Saturday, July 29, 2006

Don't Lose Hope Lose Weight

Recent surveys have indicated that almost 30% adults 20 years or more in age, in developed countries have shown tendency or are known to be obese. This alarming trend is extremely concerning as there will be a time when most of the population will be in the obese category. To add to the woes of the society, even the children are showing obese tendencies at a very early age.

People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

If these statements concern you then you must make an effort to determine whether you are in the obese category. An easy indicator is the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.

Calculating BMI is easy. The formula being: BMI = Weigh in kg / (Height in m)2 The resulting number is to be interpreted using the chart given below:

BMI <18.5 underweight
BMI 18.5 – 24.9 normal weight
BMI 25 – 29.9 overweight
BMI > 30 obese

If you are in the last two categories then it is the right time to take steps to remove the extra weight and get back into shape. Diet pills are a safe and effective means of loosing weight. These pills when combined with a diet-cum-exercise program have shown promising results.

Phentermine is one such, FDA approved, diet aid that has worked wonders on the obese people. This medication stimulates the central nervous system and decreases appetite thereby reducing the intake of calories. Your body then begins to utilize its fat stores to provide energy for your daily chores. The result is you loose weight effectively and evenly over a given period of time.

Before you begin on a course of Phentermine, consult your doctor to determine the exact dose and duration of use. Phentermine has been found safe to use in breast feeding mothers. The drug can be used in combination with a number of other prescription and non-prescription medicines.

Phentermine may have some mild allergic reactions which tend to disappear as you body gets used to the drug. At the time of withdrawing the drug, the process should be gradual, as Phentermine can be habit forming in some people.

Adrian Hal an associate editor to the website The website offers complete Phentermine information through breaking news, personal views, and articles on weight loss. We also provide requisite information about the numerous weight loss pills Phentermine. So feedback comment and suggestions will be highly appreciated at

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Weight Loss Supplements

herbal weight loss supplements

As there is not strict law in US to check the quality of herbal weight loss supplements, it is the duty of the customer to see that the product he/she buys is indeed the original one and not anything spurious. Else it is not weight alone that is going to get affected, but one’s overall health as well. Hence make doubly sure that you are paying for the right dietary supplement. Good Luck! As there is not strict law in US to check the quality of herbal weight loss supplements, it is the duty of the customer to see that the product he/she buys is indeed the original one and not anything spurious. Else it is not weight alone that is going to get affected, but one’s overall health as well. Hence make doubly sure that you are paying for the right dietary supplement. Good Luck!

Overweight is a big problem for millions of people in this world. Statistics shows that around 70% of American population is victim of overweight, and the number is continuously on the rise. Further, overweight has been widely touted as the root cause for many critical illnesses like heart diseases, depression, and diabetes, and less critical ones such as osteoarthritis and sleep apnea.

Here we’ll see about the need for weight loss supplements, some popular dietary supplements and a piece of advice on selecting the right supplement from the store near you. Here we go!

As there is not strict law in US to check the quality of herbal weight loss supplements, it is the duty of the customer to see that the product he/she buys is indeed the original one and not anything spurious. Else it is not weight alone that is going to get affected, but one’s overall health as well. Hence make doubly sure that you are paying for the right dietary supplement. Good Luck!

The easiest way that comes to one’s mind for shedding weight is to do the opposite of the action that in fact puts up weight – to skip meals. It is better to follow a balanced dietary program with necessary dietary supplements consumed to backup the losing minerals and vitamins. And while selecting dietary supplements or diet weight loss supplements, better prefer herbal nutritional diet vitamin supplements over pharmaceutical ones.